About Us


2020: Club Lunar

A Virtual 3D Social Experience

Friday May 22 @ 5pm PT/8pm ET


Fabulous Tea Discussion

Be Seen, Be Fabulous, what is on your mind?

Alchemy Frequency Fabulous Tea is a chance for your creative creature to come out for a discussion.   



Podcasts: Integration & Intelligent Interviews

Let's chat, be real, investigate, explore and discuss the topics of our modern world and where our future is heading.


Books, Blogs, Commentary and Lessons

Life, Living, Humanity, Technology, Thriving, Dream Casting, Manifesting, Business Building and straight-up being Fabulous in the 2020s.   


Festival Frequency: Alchemy in the Field

Safety and Comfort for all at the King's Court

Supporting Goddess Vibes, Love, Self Care, Being Fabulous and Kind Energy.

Alchemy Kings have no shame and are the jesters and janitors of court.  

King's Court is dedicated to service, holding space and hysterical entertainment.


Dream Casting

Tune In to the Alchemy Frequency throughout the Realm Of Manifestation.

King's Court Broadcasting Station

Be Seen, Be Heard and Be Fabulous!!


Contact Us

Drop us a line!

Alchemy Frequency